June 15-21, 2025

MFUGE (Middle School Trip)

(For students who have completed 6th-8th grade)

At MFuge, during the day your students will be challenged and stretched as individuals; in the evenings, you’ll have an opportunity to build group unity over dinner, worship, fellowship and church group devotions. MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission!

Summer of ’25 we’ll be heading back to the University of Mobile for MFUGE! We’ll be leaving a day before MFUGE starts so we’re not rushing and guess what!! We’re making a slight detour to… THE BEACH! We’ll have some fun while serving the community and each other!

COST: now only $250

This is a GSM Summer 2025 Trip. Group Fundraisers will go towards lowering the cost of this trip, but we also encourage students to send out support letters to help with the overall cost.


  • 1/2 of Mission Trip Balance due March 16th
  • Missions Training on April 27, after the 10:30am service
  • Full Mission Trip Balance due May 4th

If your student is already signed up, payments can be made here.

Sign up here

July 13-18, 2025

KALEO (High School Trip)

(For students who have completed 9th-12th grade)

With a population of 1.3 million people in the city and a total of 3 million in San Diego County, it is the second largest city in California and the eighth largest in the United States. According to a 2008 report by the Center on Policy Initiatives, San Diego has over 320,000 residents living in dire poverty. Beyond all of that, San Diego is one of the largest cities in the country for refugee resettlement – more than 150,000 refugees, asylum seekers, and asylees from Southeast Asia, East Africa, Burma, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Bosnia, Kosovo, the Former Soviet Union and other war-torn regions of the world. We are very excited to be partnering with several ministries and churches to specifically serve this growing refugee community in San Diego.

We are capping this trip at 20 people.

COST: now only $450

This is a GSM Summer 2025 Trip. Group Fundraisers will go towards lowering the cost of this trip, but we also encourage students to send out support letters to help with the overall cost.


  • 1/2 of Mission Trip Balance due March 16th
  • Missions Training on April 27, after the 10:30am service
  • Full Mission Trip Balance due May 4th

If your student is already signed up, payments can be made here.

Sign up here!


Camp Blessing

CBTX’s vision is to share the love of Christ with children and young adults who have special needs and disabilities through a Christ-centered camp program. 

REGISTER ONLINE DIRECTLY THROUGH CBTX and contact Rachel Krick ([email protected]) directly with any questions regarding your registration.


COST: $450

Not an official GSM Trip for Summer 2025, so fundraisers will not go to lower the cost of this trip. We will continue to encourage students to serve at CBTX and help coordinate with other families planning on serving here.
Sign up with Camp Blessing here