The mission of Global Engagement is to facilitate the prayerful nurturing, training, and support of effective workers and senders within the GBC community to further the gospel.
Grace helps people grow as disciples in three main ways: Equipping, Engaging, and Exalting. Through the Global Engagement Ministry, we fulfill our mission to ENGAGE believers in the world. We are committed to saying, "Yes!" when God tells us to go.
Global Engagement
At Grace, we are committed to taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world in two key ways:
We support dozens of workers, the majority of whom have been sent from Grace. Many of our long-term workers are our kids, our grandkids, our friends, and our family, serving all over the globe.
- We invest God’s money wisely.
We believe that good financial stewardship means making wise investments. We don’t simply throw money at missions and call it good. Our Global Engagement Team prayerfully works to vet potential new workers, provide care and accountability for current workers, and give leadership to the overall direction and strategy of our Global Engagement at GBC, all to get the best possible return in God’s economy. One of the ways we maintain consistency as the team membership changes is by following our Global Engagement Policies Packet. One of the tangible expressions of a GBC’s commitment to supporting our engagement workers is our Engage Links program, which utilizes our Engage Links Manual.
When you give to GBC, 10% of your gift goes to supporting our long-term workers in the field. Beyond that 10%, each year we raise an additional amount during our Engage Conference to fund our partnerships, send short-term teams, and provide emergency support for our long-term workers. We take the stewardship of the financial gifts God provides through your generosity thoughtfully.
The Global Engagement Team: T.S. Weaver – Engage Pastor, Elizabeth Anthony, David Carl – Global Engagement Elder, Joe Gilio, Judy Grysen, Jay Shaw
Our current workers are listed below. With the exception of those who are serving in secured areas. If you have a question that needs immediate attention, please contact the Engage Pastor, TS Weaver.
Raimie Bateman
Teach the Story, Pastoral Training Worldwide
Learn more:
Sukhwant & Vinita Bhatia
Seek Partners, Ministry Training, Evangelism, and Church Planting in India
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J. & J. B.
East-West Ministries International, Middle East
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David & Ashley Coffey
Cru, Campus Ministry in Washington D.C.
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Ed Condra
Wycliffe, Translation in Papua New Guinea
Al & Elizabeth Dyck
Barnabas International
Peter & Miriam Fretheim
SIM, Outreach and Leadership in Nigeria
Nolan & Kristen Isaac
Impact France, Church Planting
Mary & Tommy Jerkovic
Kontaktmission Germany, Theological Teaching & Digital Reformation in Germany
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Jean & Jean-Marie Joseph
Mission Go, Theological Education in Haiti
Melanie Kay
Campus Outreach, Samford University in Birmingham, AL.
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Mimi Lawson
World Team USA, Cameroon
Dave Martin
Young Life, Europe
The McFarlands
Athletes in Action, Central Asia
Paul & Alla Mitskevich
Greater Europe Mission, Germany
Ben & Anda Mogos
Global Outreach International, Church Planting in Romania
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Kurt & Pat Nelson
East-West Ministries International, Worldwide Church Planting and Evangelism
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Isaac & Lillian Ogohi
Partners in Joy, Nigeria
L. & M. P.
East Asia
Sergio & Miriam Ramirez
Avant, Church Planting in Santander, Spain
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Rinda Reiss
Financial Care Ministry in Romania
Ryan & Emily Sandefur
Young Life, Evangelism and Discipleship in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
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Chalo Sandoval
Avant, Church Planting in Puebla, Mexico
S. & R. S.
Pioneer Bible Translators, Africa
A S & S A
Wycliffe Bible Translators, West Asia
Learn more:
Ed Weaver
Spoken Worldwide, Global
Betty Welch
Wycliffe Bible Translators, Translation in South America
Gene & Dawn Whitehurst
Village Ministries International, Leadership Development in Asia
Meet GBC’s First Workers
From its beginning, GBC placed emphasis on the support of Global Engagement. As efforts to begin the new church progressed, Bradford Lapsley, called “Tex”, and his wife Betty were raising support to go to Ethiopia under the Sudan Interior Mission (SIM). In June 1954, Grace Bible approved Brad and Betty as its first workers at a monthly support level of $25.