June 22, 2024

Vivaldi’s Gloria Concert

3:30 PM, 1.5 HRS

Experience the uplifting power of Antonio Vivaldi’s joyous Gloria, with its gleaming vocal fireworks and richly embroidered orchestral passages.

The Gloria in D major, RV 589, Vivaldi’s most significant sacred work, was probably composed sometime after 1713 and before 1717. The Gloria text is a hymn of praise, beginning with the words of the angels, as recounted in the Gospel of Luke: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.”

Conducted by Brian Piper, Director of Worship and Arts at Grace Bible Church, the free concert will feature the Grace Chancel Choir, soprano Elizabeth McGee, countertenor Nicholas Garza, and orchestra. Please invite your family and friends to enjoy an afternoon of joyous music!

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