August 18, 2024
Celebration Sunday (Promotion Sunday)
9 AM, 4 HRS
Everyone is invited to celebrate the end of summer and the start of a new school year on Sunday, August 18 immediately following the second service!
Lunch will be served in the Commons for all with fellowship opportunities. We invite you to sit next to someone you don’t know yet and introduce yourself! There will be some seating in the Commons, but please bring picnic blankets, camp chairs, etc. if you plan to dine outside.
We’ll have entertainment for the kids covered, including inflatable water slides, outdoor games, and more. Parents, set a reminder to pack a swimsuit, towel, and sunscreen for your children that morning.
Parents and Students: Celebration Sunday coincides with Promotion/Kick Off Sunday!
Grace Kids and Grace Students will kick off a fun-filled new year of programming and promote up to their next classes. Grace Students will welcome incoming sixth graders!
Grace Students are encouraged to invite their parents for breakfast and worship, and to hear about their fun-filled fall programs. More information will be communicated to parents from the Grace Kids and Grace Students ministry leaders so you know exactly what to expect on that morning.