June 30, 2024
Members Town Hall Meeting
12 PM, 1.5 HRS
Members, please join us after the second service on June 30th for a Town Hall Meeting to cover the most requested topics from the recent Town Hall Survey. We will begin promptly at noon so we can finish by 1:30 at the latest and get you on to your lunch plans.
Updates on our financial position, long-range GBC facilities planning, and the future of Biblical education and shepherding at our church will be given. We will conduct the meeting in a Town Hall-style to allow you to share your questions and comments.
We hope you can join us and hear about the exciting things happening behind the scenes at Grace Bible Church.
Childcare: Childcare will be provided. No registration is necessary, but we ask that you email [email protected] if you plan to use childcare so that Grace Kids can anticipate how many children will stay after. Please plan on packing a lunch for your child that we can feed them during the Town Hall.