July 07, 2023

Marriage Retreat


Join us for The Art of Marriage Retreat. Marriage, the way God intended it to be, is a true art form. That’s why for more than 40 years, FamilyLife has been helping couples understand God’s plan for relationships. The Art of Marriage weaves together expert teaching, real-life stories, humorous vignettes, and more to portray both the challenges and the beauty of God’s design. A great marriage is a work of art.

Join us on July 7 at 6PM and July 8 for the day in the Student Center and Commons for this incredible marriage retreat, hosted by the Women and Men of Grace ministries and led by FamilyLife Ministries. The cost is $40 per couple and registration is required. If you need childcare, the registration deadline is June 9. If you do not need childcare, the registration deadline is June 30. Click here to sign up.

For any other questions, please contact Rayna Uribe or T.S. Weaver.

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