November 05, 2023
Journey Into Christmas Auditions
12PM, 2hrs
It’s time to volunteer for Journey Into Christmas 2023! This year’s Journey Into Christmas event is December 8 & 9, 5:30-8:30 pm. From wise men and shepherds to Mary and Joseph to guides to behind-the-scenes A/V staff, and more, we need all kinds of volunteers to make the event successful! If you’re interested in helping in any capacity, meet in the Student Center on Sunday, November 5 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM for info and to audition. Lunch will be provided. If you’re auditioning to play a role, come by the common’s kiosk, grab a copy of the script (or download it here – 2023 – JIC Script), and sign up!
You can also email James Ciluffo to sign up or with any questions.