April 20, 2025

Holy Week Services


We invite you to join us for Holy Week which begins on Palm Sunday and goes through Easter Sunday. Together we will commemorate Jesus’ last days and crucifixion leading up to the celebration of Easter Sunday.


Palm Sunday Worship Services, April 13

9:00 (Traditional) & 10:30 (Contemporary) AM


Messianic Passover Seder with Barbecue Dinner, April 13

5:00 PM  |  More information and register here.


Holy Week Special Services, April 14-17

6:00 PM  |  Services are approximately 40 minutes in length featuring special music and a sermonette from one of our pastoral staff.


Good Friday Service, April 18

8:00 PM  |  Honoring Christ’s sacrifice on the cross through special worship music, readings, and reflections.


Easter Sunday Worship Services, April 20

9:00 (Traditional) & 10:30 (Contemporary) AM  | Celebrating our resurrected savior. More information here.


No special services on Saturday. All services will be live-streamed for those who are unable to join us in person with the exception of Good Friday Evening.


Information for Families with Children:

Grace Kids invites all children from birth through 5th grade to join them during Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services. We have plans for each age and stage to help them understand why we commemorate Holy Week and celebrate Easter.

Grace Kids will not be open during the Holy Week Special Services at 6:00 PM or during Good Friday Evening Service. Your children are welcome to join you at the 6:00 PM services. Good Friday Evening Service at 8:00 PM serves to create a solemn, reflective, and prayerful space to honor Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Therefore, it is your choice on whether to bring children to this service.

The Mother’s Room is always open during all services at the back of the Sanctuary.

Please contact Grace Kids Director, Rachel Taylor if you have any questions.

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