October 13, 2024

Engage Link Meeting

12:00 PM, 1 HR


Join us as an ENGAGE Link!

We’re hosting an informational meeting on October 13 after the second service. Please join us. Email T.S. Weaver to get started.

Who We Are:

Engage Links are dedicated teams or individuals from our church who support our global engagement workers. We bridge the gap between the church and those on the mission field through ongoing communication, prayer, and relationship-building.

Our Vision:

As a Link, you’ll play a crucial role in two key areas:

1. Care: Support workers who face physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Your empathy and assistance ensure they never feel alone.

2. Representation: Advocate for the workers, fostering a strong connection between them and the congregation.

What’s in It for You:

1. Deep Relationships: Build meaningful connections with global engagement workers, understanding their strengths, challenges, and needs.

2. Spiritual Growth: Strengthen your faith through dedicated prayer and support for those on the front lines of spiritual warfare.

3. Impact: Make a tangible difference in the lives of global engagement workers and their communities.

4. Community: Be part of a dedicated team, sharing experiences and growing together in faith and purpose.

5. Training and Support: Receive ongoing encouragement, training, and coaching to help you care effectively for your workers.


If you’re passionate about supporting our global engagement workers and fostering a global impact, consider becoming an Engage Link. Your commitment and care can make a world of difference.

For more information, contact T.S. Weaver.

Fill out the Engage Action form to sign up. Together, we can support our workers and further our mission.

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