March 02, 2025
71st Anniversary Celebration Sunday!
9 AM - 1:30 PM
Celebrate God’s faithfulness to Grace Bible Church for 71 Years!
We are celebrating Grace Bible Church’s 71st Anniversary on Sunday, March 2.
9:00 AM: Traditional Worship Service, Adult Bible Classes, Grace Kids, and Grace Students will operate per usual.
10:30 AM: Contemporary Service and other programming will conclude earlier than usual so that we can gather as a church family in the Sanctuary to celebrate baptisms and child dedications. Grace Kids will serve infants through Pre-K only during the Contemporary Service.
Both services will have special worship elements, communion, a celebratory sermon, and more.
After the second service the celebration will continue with lunch, games, and fellowship in The Commons and outdoors!
We’re looking for people to share what Grace Bible Church has meant to their spiritual walk or how God has been faithful to them through Grace Bible Church before the celebration. Can you help us? Email [email protected] by February 19.