February 21, 2019
Northaven Trail Phase 2 Construction FAQ’s
Northaven Trail construction is coming to Grace. Beginning Sunday, March 10, the one-way drives and angled parking spaces will be removed. The lot north of Grace will be rearranged with a two-way drive and head-in parking. Parking west of Inwood will be open and available. The anticipated completion date is March 15. Landscaping and seal-coat asphalt will go in during the weeks to follow.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is going on across Inwood? Will it affect Grace?
The City of Dallas has started construction on Phase 2 of the Northaven Trail which, upon completion, will connect White Rock Creek Trail to Harry Hines Blvd. As part of this project, the parking lot on the north side of Grace will be reconfigured. Additional parking is being added to the west side of Inwood Rd.
When will all of this happen?
The City has already started construction of the parking on the west side of Inwood Rd. for use by Grace. This parking will be completed and open before our parking lot is impacted. We expect the construction work most directly impacting the church parking lot to begin Saturday, March 9. We expect the construction on Grace’s lot to take 2–3 weeks, but as with any construction project, it could take longer.
Where will I be able to park during the construction?
Parking on the north side of Grace will be available during the anticipated construction. However, the parking will be rearranged with a two-way drive and head-in parking. Parking west of Inwood will also be open and available.
As usual, the parallel parking will be available along the north side of Inwood. As a reminder, please reserve the Northaven turn-around for guests and seniors. For those that are able, please fill in the parking spaces in the back of the east parking lot. For the first few weeks, there will be a parking team outside on Sundays to assisting with parking flow.
How can I help?
We can use your help! If you’re interested and available to help our parking team on Sundays during the construction, please send an email to [email protected] or find one of the deacons at church on any Sunday morning (wearing a white name badge). Parking team volunteers will greet, help direct the flow of traffic into and out of the existing parking lot, direct vehicles into open parking spots, and help guide visitors to the church.
As a reminder, please park in the back or in the additional parking lot across Inwood to ensure visitors and any elderly church attendees are able to park closer to the church. Thank you for your patience as we go through this transition in our parking lot.
What will be different after everything has been completed?
The new parking lot on the north side of the church will contain head-in, 90-degree parking with a two-way drive aisle, instead of the current one-way angled parking. The existing lot will be retopped with asphalt and restriped. New landscaping will be placed between the trail and parking lot.
What if I have more questions?
To get more information and to read about the trail, you can visit the following websites: https://northaventrail.org/plans/ or https://www.dallasparks.org/474/Northaven-Trail.
Please direct questions or concerns to [email protected], not the City of Dallas.